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Emily moved into a cottage in a sleepy village in Wiltshire when she became full time carer to her beautiful daughter, Willow.

A couple of years later, Kate was escaping the bright lights of London, and happened to stumble into the thatched cottage next door to Emily, and it was friendship at first sight.

One day, whilst out on a welly clad walk through the local fields (with Sprout the dog), Emily mentioned her concern with the disposable nature of children’s clothing, and Kate discussed her goal to own far fewer clothes, and only buy items that you truly fall in love with.

This very conversation sparked the concept of Cotton and Cloud – a sustainable collection of children's gilets and other items that you truly fall in love with.  After many cups of coffee, and many more business meeting walks the initial dream became the reality of Cotton and Cloud that you see this very day.  

Cotton Field
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